The Three Rondavels is just 20km’s from The Shoe. It is the highlight of the Panorama route.
From The Shoe which is located on the R36 Mainroad you take a short 1.5km drive North and then turn right on the R532 towards Graskop.
The R532 is the home of the Panorama route.
The Three Rondavels is located in the Blyde river Canyon on the Panorama Route.

From the view point you can see the Three Rondavels which is the three mountains shaped in the form of huts. You can also see the Blyde River and the Blyde Dam. Some say you can even see Mozambique from here on a clear day. This mountain range is the last part of the Drankensburg mountains. If you were to go towards Hoedspruit you will descend into the Lowveld.
Each view point has entry fees as well as opening hours. 8 am to 5pm
At the time of this post it was R30 per person.
You need at least a half hour to walk the view point and spend a minute or two at each of the designated lookout points. You will also find locals selling their arts and crafts. There are bathrooms but no food or drink stands. It’s a good idea to carry some water and put on sunscreen before you leave.
Lookout especially for the handmade magnets like these below:
If you were unable to find these magnets at the different view points you can get them from The Shoe. We stock all the magnets of the nearby sites.

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